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complete subgraph中文是什么意思

用"complete subgraph"造句"complete subgraph"怎么读"complete subgraph" in a sentence


  • 完全子图


  • A sufficient condition to decide a simple graph with a complete subgraph
  • Based on the research of above methods , this paper proposed two new algorithms - maxcodefmcg ( finding maximal completed subgraph ) and fsa ( finding frequent subgraph structure algorithm ) , based on maxcodefmcg algorithm and fp - growth algorithm which has been proposed , we also put forward a new algorithm - maxcodefp - tree to find frequent patterns . the advantage of maxcodefp - tree is saving memory , and fsa resolves the restriction of “ graphs with different labels and same structures are deemed as different ”
    基于前人的研究,本文提出了两个新的算法? ?极大完全子图挖掘算法( maxcodefmcg算法)和频繁子图结构挖掘算法( fsa算法) ,并将maxcodefmcg算法与已有的频繁模式挖掘算法fp - growth算法相结合,产生了一种基于图结构的频繁模式挖掘算法( maxcodefp - tree算法) 。
用"complete subgraph"造句  
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